Generate Empty UUID, Version 4 Random UUID,
or V7 Time-Based UUID in one click.
No internet? No problem.
You can re-visit uuid.now without an internet connection.

UUID copied to clipboard!

UUID Generator FAQ

What makes uuid.now special?

uuid.now is easy to remember and lets you generate UUID quickly on a single, no-frills page. You get the UUID you need without any extra steps.

What is UUID V7 and why should I use it?

UUID V7 is the newest UUID standard that offers several advantages:

  • Millisecond-precision timestamps for accurate time ordering
  • Better database performance due to monotonically increasing values
  • Improved compatibility with modern database systems
  • Perfect balance between randomness and time-based ordering

It's recommended for new applications where chronological sorting is important.

Nice but this is slow, can I make it faster?

Yes! We've included a speed toggle switch (the tortoise/hare icon in the header) that can significantly improve the UUID generation animation speed.

  • 🐢 Tortoise mode: Slower, more visible animations
  • 🐇 Hare mode: Faster animations for quick UUID generation
How are the UUIDs generated in code?

Here's how we generate both types of UUIDs:

// V4 UUID (Random)
crypto.randomUUID()  // Uses browser's secure random generator

// V7 UUID (Time-based)
function generateV7UUID() {
  const timestamp = Date.now();              // Get current timestamp (ms)
  const timeHex = timestamp.toString(16);    // Convert to hex
  const randomBytes = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(10));
  return [
    timeHex.padStart(12, '0').slice(0, 8),  // time_high
    timeHex.padStart(12, '0').slice(8, 12), // time_mid
    '7' + randomBytes.slice(0, 3).toString(16), // version 7 + random
    (0x80 | (randomBytes[3] & 0x3f)).toString(16) + // variant bits
    randomBytes.slice(5).toString(16)        // remaining random

V4 uses pure randomness, while V7 combines timestamp with random data for sortability.

Why is this written in F#?

While most web applications are written in JavaScript, we chose F# because:

  • F# can be transpiled to JavaScript using Fable compiler, making it work perfectly in browsers
  • It provides strong type safety and immutability by default
  • Functional programming makes it easier to reason about code
  • It's a powerful language that's fun to work with - so why not?

The end result is the same fast, efficient UUID generator you need, just written in a more robust language!

How do I copy a UUID?

Copying a UUID on uuid.now is simple:

  • Click the “Copy” button below any generated UUID
  • Or highlight the UUID directly and use your system’s copy command (e.g., Ctrl/Cmd + C)

Either way, it goes straight to your clipboard—ready to use in your projects.

Does this work offline?

No generated code is sent to the server. Once you visit uuid.now, you can revisit it without an internet connection thanks to service worker installation.

Where can I find the source code?

The complete source code for uuid.now is available on GitHub at https://github.com/OnurGumus/uuid.now. Feel free to explore, contribute, or use it as a reference for your own projects!

UUID Generator Features